Thanks to Biorizon’s high-quality facilities, specialized knowledge, years of experience and the successful involvement of the entire bio-aromatics value chain, we manage to produce bio-aromatics continuously (on a kg/h scale). We are currently validating our continuous processes and working with industry partners toward the next stage: demonstration. This makes Shared Research Center Biorizon the most advanced and valued research program in sustainable bio-aromatics worldwide. We offer the chemical industry an excellent platform to make the transition to a circular bio-economy.

Do you want to contribute to our mission to enable commercial production of bio-aromatics by 2025? Come and join us! Take a look at the Biorizon projects for inspiration, and reach out to our business development managers for more information.

01-09-2021 - 31-08-2025 /

VIABLE project: manufacturing bio-based epoxy resins by partially replacing BPA with lignin biomass

Biorizon co-initiator VITO coordinates the new LIFE VIABLE project that stands for ‘Valorization of lignin bIomass into competitive components grAdually replacing BPA in the formuLation of Epoxy resins’. The project aims to improve the sustainability and the environmental impact of epoxy resins manufacture by lowering the BPA content in the formulation of epoxy resins by 20 to 50%. 

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01-06-2021 - 30-10-2024 /

LIGNICOAT project: Sustainable COATings based on LIGNIn resins and bio-additives with improved fire, corrosion and biological resistance

LIGNICOAT project: Sustainable COATings based on LIGNIn resins and bio-additives with improved fire, corrosion and biological resistance

Biorizon co-initiator VITO is partner in the LIGNICOAT project that aims to demonstrate technical and economic feasibility of the use of lignin as raw material to produce bio-resins for different applications in the field of functional coatings.

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03-05-2021 /
Green Chemistry Campus - Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands

BAroC: Bio-Aromatic Conceptual Factory

BAroC: Bio-Aromatic Conceptual Factory

Biorizon spin-off Relement started in May 2021 with the creation of a conceptual process design of the best commercial production route to bio-aromatics MPA and HMA. This conceptual design will be made in a consortium with Biorizon co-initiator TNO, Circular Biobased Delta and Catalok, funded by Topsector Energiesubsidie from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

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07-03-2021 - 31-12-2022 /
Green Chemistry Campus - Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands

PRIMA-2 Project: Pyrolysis-based Recycling Initiative for MDF Waste

PRIMA-2 Project: Pyrolysis-based Recycling Initiative for MDF Waste

Biorizon co-initiator TNO embarked on a project focused on the valorisation of waste wood from the furniture industry, MDF in particular. In the project, led by the Dutch interbranche organisation for the furniture industry CBM, partners over the entire value chain for furniture plate material are involved to develop new (chemical) recycling options as an alternative to combustion in waste incinerators.

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01-01-2021 - 31-12-2021 /
Green Chemistry Campus

Biorizon investigates how an application center can accelerate market introduction of bio-aromatics

Biorizon investigates how an application center can accelerate market introduction of bio-aromatics

Biorizon Shared Research Center, located at the Green Chemistry Campus, is working on a business plan for an application center for bio-aromatics. This project is co-financed with a grant from the Dutch Research & Development Fund of Region West-Brabant. Bio-aromatics, which Biorizon develops, are essential for realizing a circular bio-economy and reducing the carbon footprint.

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01-01-2020 - 31-12-2022 /
Flanders, Belgium

PILLAR: Towards unique pilot infrastructure for catalytic processing of wood and lignin

PILLAR: Towards unique pilot infrastructure for catalytic processing of wood and lignin

Biorizon co-initiator VITO is partner in the PILLAR project that aims to realise a unique pilot infrastructure platform. This platform for innovative catalytic biorefinery of lignin, wood and by extension any lignocellulosic material, will produce functional biobased aromatics. PILLAR provides technological and economic proof-of-concept data and paves the way towards an industrial scale catalytic biorefinery that transforms biomass into competitive chemicals and materials, resulting in a significant CO2 capture.

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This project is made possible by a contribution from the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of OP-Zuid.

Op Zuid