Deloitte: Biobased Delta globally competitive to valorize sugars into biobased chemicals
June 4 2015 saw the presentation of a Deloitte study at the Green Chemistry Campus that was commissioned by the Biobased Delta. The study shows that the Biobased Delta is a globally competitive region to valorize sugars into biobased chemicals. Biorizon is part of the Biobased Delta.
Willem Vaessen, Director Chemical Value Chain at Deloitte:
“Last year, Deloitte’s fermentation study showed the strong competitive position of North-West European sugar beet as feedstock for functional molecules. Now, our location analysis shows the Biobased Delta has an excellent position to capture their early mover advantage. Besides access to competitive feedstock, the Biobased Delta offers an ecosystem built on a triple helix where value chain integration accelerates biobased businesses. Furthermore the region is strategically located between the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp and part of the world-class chemical network of the ARRRA region.”
Jointly capitalizing on chances
The research was commissioned by Biobased Delta, whereas Green Chemistry Campus, Biorizon, the Dutch ministry of economic affairs, SABIC, RABOBANK and REAP West-Brabant participated.
Director Willem Sederel of the Biobased Delta:
"This study acknowledges the distinctive features of the Biobased Delta where business, governments and knowledge institutions work together (trip helix). The industry is in the lead, knowledge institutions and the government (local, regional, national and European) facilitate. The unique features that are shown in this study offer us the chance to become a global player in the biobased economy. We will capitalize on these chances collectively, in an open, cross-sectoral, innovative and sustainable manner. The Biobased Delta connects, initiates and executes; particularly seeking cooperation with the regional development agencies."
June 4 the study was handed over to deputee Anne-Marie Spierings (deputee province of Noord-Brabant), Ben de Reu (deputee province of Zeeland) and Daan van Doorn (chairman Strategic Board Delta Region). Anne-Marie Spierings argued for a further reinforcement of the research and knowledge infrastructure in Southwest-Netherlands. Ben de Reu noticed that the biobased development of the region must remain to be supported by the government. Daan van Doorn commented by emphasizing the importance of execution.
Green Chemistry Campus & Biorizon: biobased chemistry from sugars
The Green Chemistry Campus is one of the leading top locations within the Biobased Delta. Here, chances that are suggested by the Deloitte report will be turned to good account. Take for example shared research center Biorizon that is established on the Green Chemistry Campus. Biorizon develops functionalized biobased aromatics from sugars and lignin. Forty per cent of all materials contain aromatics, so the potential is enormous. The Biorizon community that was launched last year has attracted a large number of global chemical industry leaders as members. And recently a call to participate in research with regard to the chemical valorizing of sugars into biobased aromatics led to enthusiastic responses.
Please read the entire Deloitte study - The Biobased Delta: a globally competitive region for developing biobased business