

5th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-aromatics: Event registration is now open

Come and celebrate Biorizon's 5th Anniversary and get informed on the latest progress in the field of biobased aromatics! On November 14 and 15 2018 Shared Research Center Biorizon will host its 5th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-aromatics in the beautiful city of 's Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.

Large industry players such as Clariant, Zeton, Sappi, Covestro and Solvay, SME's and RTO's from all over Europe will be present to discuss the latest progress in the field of bio-aromatics and to elaborate on the opportunities to accelerate biobased business together.

Impressive program

We have an impressive program this year, with presentations from small companies to large brand manufacturers showcasing the latest innovation in renewable aromatics. A panel of experts will discuss the impact of bio-aromatics on the global chemical industry - a conversation you won't want to miss!

Open to all companies that represent the bio-aromatics value chain

Contrary to the last four editions, we decided to celebrate our 5th anniversary with an event that is open to all companies that represent the bio-aromatics value chain (agro/feedstock, producer, consumer, brand owner). If you represent such a company, you are cordially invited to participate. 

Other stakeholders (technology/service/knowledge, government, other) can also apply for a seat at this exclusive event. To ensure a good balance between participants and thus facilitate effective networking during the matchmaking sessions we will manually evaluate each application.

Biorizon would like to thank Covestro, Biopen & Vanguard for sponsoring this event.

More info & registration:

We hope to see you in Den Bosch!

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This project is made possible by a contribution from the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of OP-Zuid.

Op Zuid